Thursday, June 4, 2020
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Lynn Rippy, YouthBuild Louisville
Lance Meeks, Tuscon AZ Reengagement Center
Jennifer Welch, Kentucky Youth Career Center
Reengagement Centers have been a strategy communities throughout the US have used to connect marginalized youth and young adults with education, employment, and needed services. They may look differently in each community, but generally, reengagement centers are hosted by one or more “anchor” organizations coordinating outreach, assessments, case management, referrals, and follow-up services. Additional services are provided by partner organizations offering services like mental health counseling, peer supports, job readiness, mentoring, and supplies.
In this webinar, we’ll learn about the Reengagement Center model, why the model fits in Louisville, and who is already (or could be) working to implement the model here.