Training: CSYA offers online and in-class training to staff and volunteers working with youth and young adults in our community. Training topics include education supports, integrating youth-voice in community-level decision making, building cross system partnerships, and supporting trauma recovery. View recorded webinars.
Needs Assessment: In 2017, CSYA completed a series of focus groups and surveys to learn about the needs of Louisville’s disconnected or “opportunity” youth, 16 to 24 years. The resulting report and mini-documentary looks beyond statistics to understand the systemic barriers preventing Louisville’s young people from reaching their goals. Read the report.
Policy and Program Recommendations: CSYA connects with youth and young adults, service providers, and community stakeholders to identify the policies and procedures at local and state levels that inadvertently create barriers for disconnected youth. Read more about the system and service level recommendations here and here.
Data Analysis: Information on the number of youth and young adults entering and leaving different systems (education, child welfare, justice, mental and physical health, emergency services, and others) are important clues on the root causes and potential "pivot points" for ensuring a young person stays connected. Data on educational needs.